We thank our sponsors:

Spielenacht 2025

We have the date for the next event.



General information on the Spielenacht are available here.

Do you have any questions? Drop us a message.

Register as supporter

Do you want to support us at the event itself? We are always seeking for support with setup and teardown as well as for the rental desk. You do not need any previous knowledge as everything is being explained on location. In return, we are offering you a Spielenacht t-shirt, catering for the whole night and of course a great Spielenacht event itself.

To register, please click here.

Tournament information

We have just added the details about the tournaments: Tournaments.

Game lists

Are you interested in researching the offered games before the event?

As usual, you will find them in our Android app. Alternatively, the following PDF lists are available:

Stay in touch

Do you want to receive the latest news? Then you might consider following us on

Android app

Since January 2018 you can use our own Spielenacht app (for Android) to search for games - e. g. for a specific player count, by duration or for specific tags like "easy to learn", "communicative" or availability in English. With the app you gain an overview of the over 500 games we have to offer - just give it a try! If you spot a bug or want to propose a possible feature or enhancement, feel free to get in touch.

The app is available for free inside the Google PlayStore: Chemnitzer Spielenacht App

... or just scan the following QR code:

Chemnitzer Spielenacht App in the Google PlayStore

If you cannot and do not want to use the Google PlayStore, you will find the corresponding APK file here as well to download it manually.

We thank our sponsors: